Elastic teams

Just like having your own employees

Are you struggling to hire?

We help you build an external development department with less risk and at a fixed low cost.

Elastic Teams Developer

Why external full time developers from Noustack?

Just like having your own employees

We find highly skilled, internationally-oriented candidates fit with your team. Stay in control and build a dream team with Noustack developers in combination with your own employees.

High competence at a fixed low cost

We prioritize quality and cost. With a higher geographical coverage we find the most skilled developers reasonably priced. It gives you better profitability and growth.

The recruitment phase costs nothing

To ensure you the best result, we actively go out and recruit developers for each customer. We are looking for people who are specifically suited to your tasks. A free service from our side.

Success with external development

It's no secret that many are skeptical about "outsourcing", and many have their own experiences with varying degrees of success.

In Noustack we got to know about these challenges ourselves before we discovered how outsourcing can work at its best. That's exactly why we went all in to do it differently.

Elastic Teams

The Noustack Elastic Teams model is built on the fact that it's the developers' exclusive full time you pay for, a fixed monthly price based on 155 working hours per month, not an hourly rate, or the finished product. This means that you have a permanent team of full-time developers, you don't need to rotate through a stack of consultants running from customer to customer depending on availability and supplier priorities.

Those who choose to go for external development from Noustack, have often tried to get hold of developers on their own first, without success. That is why the Elastic Teams model work as much as a recruitment agency as an outsourcing company. You describe what kind of developers you are looking for, and we'll be looking until we find them (for free).

Once the developers are in place, you have a flexible team that in practice will be like your own employees. Your needs will change over time. Elastic Teams can be scaled in line with this, both through more developers and competence development.

This is how a collaboration with Noustack Elastic Teams works:

First phase
From first contract to signed deal:

- Get known
- Clarification of needs
- Sign Contract
Second phase
Recruiting and onboarding:

- The recruitment process
- Meetings, cultural bridging and teambuilding
Third phase
Ongoing operations:

- Distribution of roles and responsibilities
- Communication and work processes
- Status meetings

Which competence?

On a daily basis, our developers work closely with our customers on the development and maintenance of a wide range of solutions within websites, web applications, mobile apps, blockchain, big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence to name a few.

We haven't locked us into any language or technology.

We can therefore provide experienced developers in areas where it is difficult to acquire expertise - and at a cost far lower than local hires or hired consultants. Feel free to challenge us on what skills you want, and we will probably surprise you.

Highly skilled developers - with low turnover

To make sure the business model works well, we depend on great people. Highly skilled developers earn well worldwide, but if you use developers from us, you'll get top quality, at a fraction of the price you have to pay for a similar resource in the most developed economically continents.

How do we manage to give you so much value?

Because we take pride in being a premium provider of delivering top candidates and leveling the playing field for candidates from the following destinations:

Eastern Europe
Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Latin America
Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina
Morocco, Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa
India, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines

This is how we calculate the price

If you choose to bring in developers through Noustack Elastic Teams, you pay a fixed monthly price based on 155 working hours per month. We make it simple and categorize our developers into four different levels, based on their expertise and experience. All our developers, regardless of level, have a relevant bachelor's and / or master's degree.

Monthly (155h)
Experience from school (bachelor/master)
Has 2 to 4 years of relevant experience
Has 4 years + of relevant experience
Team Lead
Has 4 years + of relevant experience and has taken on leadership tasks in addition to being a senior developer

We invoice month by month, in arrears, twelve months a year. Built into the price is a three-week holiday and self-declared sick leave of up to nine days. Absence beyond this is covered by us. One month probation period, three months notice period.

Are you curious about hiring through the Elastic Teams model? We are happy to have a WhatsApp chat or a video call meeting. Or simply send us your hiring needs and/or question through our contact form below.

Request for hiring needs

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